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Learn In public

“You share what you learn, as you learn it. You Open Source your knowledge. You build a public record of your interests and progress, and along the way, you attract a community of mentors, peers, and supporters. They will help you learn faster than you ever could on your own. Your network could be vast, consisting of experts in every field, unconstrained by your org chart.” - @swyx

Core Ideas to Learn In Public?


The primary goal of learning in public is simply improve and speed up your learning. Learning in the "Learn In Public" way is about being open and transparent about your learning process, and using online platforms to connect with others and share your journey.


Learning in needs to be synonymous with creating in public. Creating valuable things based on what you are learning is a wonderfuly funtastic way to grow in life while adding value and serving others. On this adventure it is very important to balance our learning and consumption with creating and giving.

"This is way" as Mando would say.

If you want to start from where I did, use Docusaurus to create this kind of docs and blog site site for your content. This is a great way to learn about building and deploying your own personal docs and blog site. Here is a nice list of other static site generators that can help you create a site with a lot of nice out-of-the-box features.


The simplest and fasted way to get started is to publish your work in public. This can be as simple as writing a blog post, or creating a video tutorial. You can also publish your work in a public repository on GitHub. There are useful platforms that are great to get started with like, Hashnode, Medium, YouTube, and GitHub.

Alternatively, you could clone this repository and replace it with content you created. I don't recommend that because you are skipping out on the wonderful oportunity to learn. The sooner you can start creating in public the better. You will learn so much more by doing it yourself.


Just as Learning In Public is connected with Creating In Public, Teaching is also connected to both of them. Teaching is a practical and beautiful way to go from knowing a concept to understanding it. It is also a wonderful way to serve others and add value to the world. We won't truly understand what we learn until we can teach it to someone else. Einstein said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Learning gives you the knowledge and creating gives you the experience but it's teaching gives you the understanding and wisdom.

ChatGPT Insight


"Learn in public" is a concept that encourages individuals to share their learning process openly and publicly, typically through online platforms such as social media or blogs. This can include sharing the resources and tools they are using, the challenges and roadblocks they encounter, and their progress and achievements.

The idea behind this concept is that by openly sharing their learning journey, individuals can receive feedback and support from others, as well as potentially inspire and motivate others to embark on their own learning journey. In this way, learning in public can be a powerful way to build a community of learners who can support and inspire each other.

In terms of what learning looks like in the context of learn in public, it might involve sharing things like the books and courses you are studying, the projects you are working on, and the progress you are making. It can also involve sharing your thoughts and reflections on what you are learning, and engaging with others in discussions and debates around the topics you are studying.

Overall, learning in public is about being open and transparent about your learning process, and using online platforms to connect with others and share your journey.