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👋 Hello and Happy New Year 🎉

Patrick John Stevens

👋 Hello wonderful people! Welcome to my personal-public documentation hub and blog! I hope you enjoy it.

My name is Patrick John Stevens. I started my web developent journey near the end of 2015. The rest of the story is still being written. Ha!

This site is utlized as my personal public knowledge hub for my learning notes, summariezed documentation, personal portfolio, resource links and recommendations, and published content.

This website was inspired by the ideas of Learn In Public made popular by @swyx and many of the awesome developers and teachers across the world who learn, build, teach, and publish content for others to learn and grow from.

Statement of Purpose

The primary purpose of this website is to help myself and other developers to learn, create, publish, and teach content to assist in the learning process while adding value and inspiring others to do the same.

Learn, Create, Publish, Teach


“You share what you learn, as you learn it. You Open Source your knowledge. You build a public record of your interests and progress, and along the way, you attract a community of mentors, peers, and supporters. They will help you learn faster than you ever could on your own. Your network could be vast, consisting of experts in every field, unconstrained by your org chart.” - @swyx


Learning in needs to be synonymous with creating in public. Creating valuable things based on what you are learning is a wonderfuly funtastic way to grow in life while adding value and serving others. On this adventure it is very important to balance our learning and consumption with creating and giving. "This is way" as Mando would say.


The simplest and fasted way to get started is to publish your work in public. This can be as simple as writing a blog post, or creating a video tutorial. You can also publish your work in a public repository on GitHub. This can be a bit scary at first but by publishing your work in public it will build your courage, give others the opportunity to help you and it may give others the inspiration, courage, and knowledge to do the same.


We won't truly understand what we learn until we can teach it to someone else. Einstein said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Learning gives you the knowledge and creating gives you the experience but it's teaching gives you the understanding and wisdom.